Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Plug for Miles Grimshaw

Also: my friend Miles, who is also doing the Yale-PKU program here in Beijing, has his own incredible blog going at milesawayinchina.blogspot.com. You can also see if he's posted something new by glancing at the column on the right of my blog.

Miles also claims that he's going to get back to blogging every day. He currently has three more blog posts than me. Now, as a prolific summer blogger who was glad to keep people back home so updated, I can't let this challenge go unanswered. Miles Grimshaw, I will blog more than you by semester's end. You've been forewarned.

But anyway, check out the awesome video he made (I helped!) of him working out on the Beijing subway. Pay particular attention to the reactions of people around him. It's hilarious.

This is Miles (and Liz):

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