Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hey sleep, it's been real

We're only on our seventh lesson of 32, and my mind is already fried. Immediately after my one-on-one session with a 老师 (teacher), I trekked over to a cozy coffee shop I discovered a little ways from the university. It attracts an interesting mix of local university students and foreigners making their home in Beijing. Better yet, it makes coffee... excellent coffee.
So being in such a cozy place, with a cup of caffeine in front of me and the rest of the day ahead of me, I was feeling pretty good about tackling tomorrow's chapter... until I flipped to the vocabulary list. Today's new characters, to be memorized by tomorrow:

逛 - stroll, ramble, roam
京城 - capital of Beijing
头 - first...
多的是 - there are many of them
胡同儿 - lane, alley
街道 - streets
建筑 - building, architecture
皇帝 - emperor
时代 - times, era, epoch
留 - leave, remain
王府 - prince's mansion (<- why do I need to know this?)
建 - build, establish
无数 - innumerable, countless
保留 - keep, retain, reserve
古老 - ancient
集中 - centralize, put together, gather
朝 - towards, to, facing
排列 - arrange, put in order
整齐 - organized, in good order, neat
划 - delimit, divide
方格子 - square
照相机 - camera
拍 - take (a picture)
照片 - photograph, picture
寄 - send by mail
打的 - take a taxi
故宫 - the Forbidden City
后门 - back door
北海 - Beihai Park
人力 - human labor ( ...umm, hi China)
三轮车 - three-wheeled rickshaw
落后 - backward, less
先进 - advanced
专门 - specially
游客 - tourist
提供 - provide
交通 - transportation, traffic
工具 - tool
纽约 - New York
费城 - Philadelphia (what about Kearney?)
观光 - sightsee, tour
马车 - horse-drawn carriage
蹬 - pedal (a bike, etc.)
冲 - towards, to
嚷 - shout
游 - tour
日记 - diary
阴天 - a cloudy day
东安市场 - Dong'an Market
燕莎 - Yansha Department Store
蓝岛 - Landao Department Store (product placement?)
购物中心 - shopping center
大同小异 - largely identical with minor differences (read: fake)
秀水街 - Silk Market
雅秀 - Yaxiu Market
自由 - free; freedom (oh Mel Gibson)
箱包 - suitcases and bags
齐全 - fully stocked, complete
名牌 - famous brand, name brands
物美价廉 - excellent quality at a low price, bargain buy
并 - actually
杀价 - to bargain the price down
上当 - be taken in, be fooled (<- the fact that they teach this is a bad portent)
受骗 - be deceived, be cheated
酒吧街 - street with bars
酒吧 - bar
据说 - it is said that, they say that
凌晨 - before dawn
灯笼 - lantern
亮 - shine, become light; light
沿着 - along, following
边 - edge, rim, margin
岸 - (river) bank, coast
灯红酒绿 - feasting and revelry, scene of debauchery (<- wait, what?)
弹 - pluck, play (musical instrument)
吉他 - guitar
打麻将 - play mahjong
谈恋爱 - date someone

And that, friends, is today's list of new characters. I wish that was it, but I also have two pages of new grammar structures, written homework to complete, and a dialogue to memorize.

Thank the Lord Almighty I'm not taking this class for a grade.


  1. Awesome. I don't think anybody has ever posted their vocal list! I think I might use this in next year's info session. =)
