Monday, July 26, 2010


Part of the Harvard Beijing Academy is attending a week-long social study of one of many places (see a previous post for a more detailed explanation), and then writing a report on our findings. A week after wrapping up my social study in Inner Mongolia, my 社会调查报告 shehui diaocha baogao (social study report - see title) is finally complete. While I know the language is still relatively simple, especially for a college student, I'm still really proud to look back and see what I've accomplished in five weeks.

Even though most people who read this blog won't be able to read my report, I've decided to post it below, both for posterity and for the random Light Fellowship kid who browses these blogs.

To summarize its contents: While in Inner Mongolia, I found that Inner Mongolians have an interesting relationship with the government, as it's actually a two-tier relationship. First, as Chinese citizens, they naturally follow general Chinese policies, and receive many boosts to their quality of life from the Chinese government's coffers. Examples include a subsidy program for ranchers who raise livestock and continued improvements in road development. This is why they're so happy about China's continued economic success; it has a direct impact on their quality of life. Second, as residents of Inner Mongolia, when they have an issue such as sickness or conflicts with Chinese policy, they go to their regional governments for assistance. Also, I thought that Inner Mongolia, as an autonomous region (like Tibet) would have a sentiment of pseudo-independence, but they very much just see themselves as another region of China, much like a state fits into the scheme of the United States.

Alright, so that was actually almost all of my report. So without further ado, here is the little bit of writing that convinced me to attend HBA all those months ago:




1 comment:

  1. Congrats on how far you have come! That's really amazing, if you stop to think about where you started just at the start of the summer! =)
