Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tianjin! 天津!

Was the previous post a bit of a downer? I thought so too, so here are some fun pictures of my day trip last Friday to 天津 Tiānjīn, a coastal town just 30 minutes from Beijing by train. I love the quaint atmosphere there; it's like a happier Beijing in some ways. The shopping was great, the air was cleaner, and the food was... really really interesting. It was actually a colonial town for a while when the British occupied it back in the Opium War days. Now, I would normally be very excited to show you all the pictures, but I must sadly report that my beautiful camera has succumbed to old age and now blurs pictures around the edges, so Blogger won't accept some of them! :(

But still, enjoy the pictures (and two whole videos)!

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