Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ode to the Western toilet

Oh Western toilet,
since the early days of my childhood,
you have been there to support me.

I never fully appreciated
your existence
until you were gone.

I am in a strange place
where you and your kind are few and far between.

I must make do
with the squat toilet.

Oh Western toilet,
I miss your height, your cleanliness
and above all, your convenience.

I yearn for the days
when I can once again flush toilet paper
instead of throwing it into a wastebasket.

I pine for the time
when that toilet paper
will once again be provided to me.
(as well as hand soap.)

When we meet again,
I will gladly take note
of the floor around you,
as it will be clean of others' misfirings.

Oh Western toilet,
our reunion will be a happy one,
but until then,
I will try to squat with grace.


  1. Oh, this poem.... so diva-ish, so high-maintenance..

    in short, so marissa!

  2. It would have been better in a haiku format. I feel qualified to say that since I am an english teacher now.
